This form is used to capture incident, clinical and personal information about patients presenting during our events. 

Please note some incidents may be reportable under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) HSE Requirements (More Info).

Once a report has been submitted, it cannot be edited or amended further.

Please enter as much detail as possible, please be careful to select the options that best describe your patient. 

Incident Details

Patient Details

Please get Patient's Full Address and Post Code
Race Number, Bib Number, etc
Name/Telephone/Relationship to Patient

Primary Survey

Mental Capacity

Observations 1

S = Slow, N = Normal, F = Fixed U = Unable to Assess
S = Slow, N = Normal, F = Fixed U = Unable to Assess

Observations 2

S = Slow, N = Normal, F = Fixed U = Unable to Assess
S = Slow, N = Normal, F = Fixed U = Unable to Assess

Patient Assessment



Drag and drop files here or Browse
Images relating to the accident, illness, scene or mechanism, ECG
If the Patient Refused Treatment/Transport

Medic Details

If unsure please ask Team Leader or on call
This is so you can email a copy of PRF to the Patient or Hospital as hand over. (Please make sure you only email it to a NHS email address only)